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OLAT training at your own premises
Prices on application
If your organisation holds a restricted Operator Licence, it is essential that you understand and comply with the legal responsibilities that go with it. When the applicant – usually one of the directors of the company – signs the O Licence application form, they become legally responsible for the conduct and reputation of the company. Any fellow directors share this responsibility, along with the transport manager. It is expected by the UK Traffic Commissioners, therefore, that you attend an OLAT (Operator Licence Awareness Training) course every few years.
We can deliver this OLAT training for either road haulage or passenger transport Restricted O Licence holders at your own premises.
OLAT training
Restricted O Licence holders are not required to study for and pass the examinations for the Transport Manager CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence), which is the minimum qualification required for a Standard O Licence holder. Ironically, although Restricted O Licence holders do not have to go through Transport Manager CPC training, they have all the same legal responsibilities as those with the Manager CPC qualification.
Therefore, it is highly desirable to voluntarily attend an OLAT course every few years. You may also hear this referred to as an ‘OLAC’, an abbreviation of Operator Licence Awareness Course.
If you fail to comply with your O Licence undertakings, the UK traffic Commissioner will insist that you attend an OLAT course as a matter of urgency – or they may simply decide to take your O Licence away.
Operator Licence Awareness Training is carefully formulated to help Restricted O Licence holders to ensure that they understand their legal undertakings as an O Licence holder, and have robust systems in place to ensure their compliance. You should attend one every few years to stay current with transport industry best practice.
Choose your own location
We can bring your OLAT training to you. We can provide training in your boardroom or meeting room at your own premises, or you can hire a meeting room locally for the purpose.
If you have an appointed transport manager, they should attend Transport Manager CPC Refresher training every few years to stay current with best practice.
To discuss the possibility of our delivering Operator Licence Awareness Training at a location of your choice, please contact us on 01376 552999 or email enquiries@novadata.co.uk.