CT-TachoTEK Driver Kit 4 - Remote Downloading & Tracking

CT-TachoTEK Driver Kit 4 - Remote Downloading & Tracking

Product Code: TTDE4
Smart2 Ready

The CT-TachoTEK Driver Kit 4 includes everything you need to get setup with remote downloading, tracking and analysis in one simple package.  

The complete solution features our new standalone CT-TachoTEK digital tachograph analysis software, which is based on the tried and tested TachoTEK software on which many of our customers have relied successfully for many years. 

While the driver is away from base on a journey, as long as the vehicle has been fitted with the required vehicle download and tracking unit, the transport manager will be able to use a dedicated website to monitor the progress of the vehicle & view its location. They can also monitor the status of the driver in terms of their time spent driving, rest periods and other work. 

Daily access to fleet digital tachograph data allows transport managers to identify and intervene early in any emerging issues such as driving without a card, which may pose a threat to the security of the organisation’s O Licence. It also helps to ensure that download deadlines are never missed as downloading can still be carried out while the vehicle is out on a journey.

The package already includes the first year pre-paid, but after the first year it will be subject to our standard service charge of £120.00* per device per year.

Additional digiDL-HX devices can also be purchased for £450.00* each.

*Price does not include VAT and / or carriage.

The Kit Includes:

  • 1x Copy of CT-TachoTEK Driver Edition (Up to 8 Drivers)
  • 1x digiDL-HX with Enhanced Cable
  • 1x Wi-Fi Company Card Reader
  • 1x Sim Card & digiCentral Hosting for digiDL-HX

System Requirements

Can only be installed on computers running Microsoft Windows - Windows 10 & Windows 11 are officially supported.

Not compatible with Macs, (Inc. Parallels) iPads or Chromebooks.

We can offer no support for Mac / Parallels 

Free USB port required for licence dongle

£838.80 Incl. VAT
£838.80 Incl. VAT
£838.80 Incl. VAT


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