Transport Manager CPC - Exam Only

If you prefer to study at home for a Transport Manager Certificate of Professional Competence qualification, and set your own pace for study, this is perfectly acceptable. However, you will still need to pass the required examinations. Novadata is pleased to offer an exam only facility to candidates who study on their own. You may book the exam modules that you require below.

Please read the information below and make sure that you book the correct modules for your required qualification.

If you decide that you would prefer to study with us as well as taking your exams with us, we offer 8 day Transport Manager CPC courses in both Passenger Transport and Road Haulage.

If you have not yet purchased your study materials, we also offer Transport Manager CPC manuals and exam booklets.

  • Road Haulage or Passenger Transport

    There are two qualifications for Transport Manager CPC, and you must choose the correct one according to the sector that you plan to work in. These are:

    Transport Manager CPC Passenger Transport – for managers who work with buses and coaches.

    Transport Manager CPC Road Haulage – for managers of LGV/HGV operations in the freight and logistics sectors.

    These two qualifications are not interchangeable. If you wish to change industry, you will need to gain a new qualification for the relevant sector. For example, if you already have a road haulage Transport Manager CPC qualification, but wish to change to working with buses and coaches, you will need to obtain a Transport Manager CPC qualification for passenger transport – and vice versa.

  • In person or online

    There are now two options for sitting exams; one of which requires you to attend our accredited examination centre in Braintree, Essex; and one which allows you to take the exams remotely. 

    The options for sitting both exam modules are:

    • A paper-based exam – candidates attend in person at our centre in Braintree, Essex
    • A digital exam – proctored remotely. Candidates attend online from home, office or other suitable space.

    In order to take proctored online examinations, you must have:

    • A computer or laptop with a forward-facing camera (the computer must not have more than one display or screen). The candidate must be visible on camera throughout the examination.
    • A good, stable internet connection
    • A room completely free from distraction. This means that you must not have other people in the room, or background sounds such as music or television.
  • Examination modules

    • Multiple Choice Exam
    • Case Study Exam
  • Examination dates

    Paper-based exams are held every three months at our accredited examination centre.

    For those choosing to take exams online, there are additional exam dates on offer for the Multiple Choice module. Resit exams can also be taken from home, provided you have the required equipment.

    Please book your chosen modules below, making sure that you choose the correct ones for your industry sector.

Transport Manager CPC Past Papers

We have brought together the past case study papers from the Skills and Education Group Awards, (SEGA). You can download these to help you prepare for your exams and with your studies.

To view all the past papers, please click here.