Transport Legal Services

Novadata offers a range of legal services in association with a trusted network of transport law solicitors who specialise in representing both road haulage and passenger transport professionals.

This includes:

  • Representation at a Transport Public Inquiry
  • Advice and representation in connection with police and DVSA investigations, including interviews under caution and responses to shortcomings letters
  • Advice and representation for criminal prosecutions
  • Representation and defence of the operator's rights in hearings before the Traffic Commissioner
  • Representation of the operator in any dispute that it has with any employee, arising from employment or any actual or alleged breach of the legislation in relation to employment
  • Advice and representation in civil disputes limited to the operator's transport business, providing proceedings have not been commenced through the courts.

If you fail to comply with current transport law, your Operator Licence may be at risk.

You may receive very little notice of legal proceedings against you and, while you prepare to defend yourself, you will still need to keep your business running. This is challenging for anyone, especially if they do not have any legal expertise.

If the worst happens and you lose your Operator Licence, it may be practically impossible to run your business, so it is vital that you get expert advice quickly, to help achieve the best possible outcome for you.

With expert legal representation from a fully accredited transport law specialist, you stand a greater chance of keeping your Operator Licence.

If you need transport-related legal advice for any reason, please don't hesitate. Call us on 01376 552999 or email and we will put you in touch with one of our network of transport law experts.