Transport Manager CPC Refresher training at your own premises

Prices on application

Once your transport managers have gained their Transport Manager CPC qualifications, they will be largely responsible for the compliance and reputation of your organisation; and the health and safety of your O Licence will be in their hands. As transport legislation evolves and changes, you and your transport managers are required to stay current and compliant. You should also apply industry best practice.

It is expected by the UK Traffic Commissioners that qualified transport managers should attend Transport Manager CPC Refresher training at least every five years. We can deliver this at your own premises on a date that suits your schedule.


Transport Manager CPC Refresher training

If your organisation fails to comply with your O Licence undertakings, the UK traffic Commissioner may revoke your O Licence. This will mean that you are unable to operate your fleet.

It is essential, therefore, that your transport manager is up to date with transport legislation and industry best practice.

There are a number of common mistakes made by operators which bring them to the unwelcome attention of the authorities. Our Transport Manager CPC Refresher training courses will ensure that your transport managers understand how to put in place robust systems which will safeguard your licence.

Our courses cover such essential as Drivers Hours and the Working Time Directive; correct and accurate tachograph usage; and many of the areas in which the most common failures of O Licence compliance occur.

Driver CPC training 

If your transport managers also occasionally drive your vehicles, a Transport Manager CPC Refresher course can also count towards the 35 hours of periodic Driver CPC training. A two-day course can count for up to 14 hours towards Driver CPC training.

OLAT training

The directors of an organisation are jointly responsible with the transport manager for the organisation’s compliance with your O Licence undertakings. Directors should attend Operator Licence Awareness Training – commonly known as an OLAT course – every few years. Should the organisation come to the attention of the Traffic Commissioner, directors will usually be ordered to attend an OLAT course. We can bring this training to you at a date convenient to you.

Choose your own location

We can provide a Transport Manager CPC Refresher or OLAT course at your own premises, or you can choose to hire a meeting room nearby.

 To discuss the possibility of our delivering Transport Manager CPC Refresher training at a location of your choice, please contact us on 01376 552999 or email