PCV Training

Driver CPC - Drivers' Understanding of an Operators Licence (PCV)


This course has been devised to give all drivers, regardless of who they drive for, a clearer understanding of the undertakings that all operators agree to. By providing drivers with detailed information, the aim is that attendees will have a greater awareness of the vital role they play in protecting any organisation's operator licence.

This course is suitable for both LGV and PCV drivers and counts as 7 hours towards Driver CPC.

£99.95 Incl. VAT
£99.95 Incl. VAT


You’ll earn 0 reward points with this purchase.

  • Raises drivers' awareness of the need to maintain a healthy Operator Compliance Risk Score.
  • Helps drivers to understand their role in helping to fulfil licence undertakings.
  • Counts as 7 hours towards the 35 hours of periodic Driver CPC training required to gain or renew a Driver Qualification Card (DQC).

Operator Licensing:

  • The role of the Traffic Commissioner
  • The various types of Operator licences

Detailed examination of Licence Undertakings, including:

  • Laws relating to driving
  • Drivers' hours and tachographs
  • Overloaded vehicles
  • Speed limits
  • Reporting defects and proper record-keeping

When things go wrong:

  • Roadside inspections and prohibitions
  • Actions that can be taken by Traffic Commissioners

1 day (7 hours towards Driver CPC) 

Approved Course: CRS12615/35

(Please Note: the course has been designed with the driver in mind and the content does not constitute an Operator Licence Awareness course. It would not be considered of an accepted form of Continuous Professional Development for Operators nor would it satisfy a Traffic Commissioner's request to attend such a course. For more information on our Operator Licence Awareness courses, please click here.)

This course starts promptly at 8.30am, please arrive in good time. Light lunch & refreshments are provided.

Please note: your online booking is subject to confirmation from Novadata.

This price includes the DVSA Registration fee of £8.75. 

For more information please call 01376 552999 or email us on enquiries@novadata.co.uk.

If you recently passed your LGV or PCV driving test, you may need to take Initial Driver CPC training to obtain your first DQC. Check with a member of our team and we can advise you.