PCV Training

Driver CPC - Safe Eco Driving Including Vulnerable Road Users (PCV)

Product Code: DCPCECO-PCV

In line with our continued commitment to delivering course material that benefits both companies and individual drivers, this course provides a thorough approach to driving, including driver seat positions, fuel saving tips, general awareness of forward planning, good preparation, driver fatigue and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, the course deals with the vitally important issue of vulnerable road users.

This course is suitable for both LGV and PCV drivers and counts as 7 hours towards Driver CPC.

£99.95 Incl. VAT
£99.95 Incl. VAT


You’ll earn 0 reward points with this purchase.

  • Promotes safety and instructs on a good and safe way to drive.
  • Advises on best practice, equipping drivers and protecting the vulnerable road users.
  • Counts as 7 hours towards the 35 hours of periodic Driver CPC training required to obtain and renew a Driver Qualification Card (DQC).

Driver seating:

  • Being comfortable and supported to reduce risk of strain or injury

On the road:

  • Attitude, observation, hazard perception and concentration
  • Overtaking
  • Weather and visibility

The principles of fuel efficient driving:

  • Tips and advice to ensure improved driving practices

Vulnerable road users:

  • Driving to safeguard vulnerable road users

1 day (7 hours towards Driver CPC)

Approved Course: CRS9215/35

This course starts promptly at 8.30am. Please be prepared to attend early. Light lunch & refreshments are provided.

Please note: your online booking is subject to confirmation from Novadata.

The price for the training at Novadata's premises includes VAT & the DVSA Registration fee of £8.75.

For more information please call 01376 552999 or email us on enquiries@novadata.co.uk.

If you recently passed your LGV or PCV driving test, you may need to take Initial Driver CPC training to obtain your first DQC. Check with a member of our team and we can advise you.